Start An Apartment Preparation Service


An apartment prep service provides the finishing touches to apartment buildings before the next tenant moves in. In order to have a high probability at getting this business, you should offer as many of the following services as possible: wall washing, carpet cleaning, painting, wallpaper repair and overall cleaning services. Your fees will depend on what individual services are offered. You may want to offer an all-inclusive package price. Your advertising and marketing should be aimed at apartment complexes. To reduce your driving you may want to try to get a contract with a multi-unit apartment complex that offers an options for short term leases.

You should invest in good quality cleaning equipment, including a carpet cleaner and sweeper. Your starting costs can be as high or low as you want, all depending on what services you will be offering as well as the quality of the equipment you decide to purchase. This business can be started with a relatively small investment and provides a high return. Another must-have piece of equipment is a cell phone to enable easy response to your customers.

This business is not suitable for someone who is afraid to get their hands dirty and use considerable elbow grease. You should be prepared to encounter some messy situations. One also might spend a fair amount of time on hands and knees cleaning floors and baseboards. It is advised that you wear a back brace to prevent injury. Additional safety equipment should include gloves and knee pads.

If you are up to handling the physical aspects of this service, a high percentage of profit with low investment is very possible. Marketing costs will be low since it is only necessary to contract with a few apartment complexes and keep their business on a repetitive basis.

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