Is It Possible for CBD To Treat Anxiety and Depression?

CBD has gone up in terms of popularity in the health and wellness industry in the past few years. However, how effective it is for therapeutic use is yet under consideration. There are not many scientific research that can prove the therapeutic benefits of CBD on humans. However, it is evident from the numerous anecdotal evidences that it might be helpful in improving your health and reducing symptoms of some health problems like pain due to bone diseases, anxiety, sleep disorder, epilepsy and so on. 

Brief Information About CBD

CBD (cannabidiol) is a compound of cannabis plant. There are more than 200 cannabinoids like CBD apart from other components. First, you should be clear that CBD can be extracted from both marijuana and hemp plant. However, the CBD products in the market are derived from hemp plant since marijuana is illegal in most states and countries. The main reason behind it is the presence of another cannabinoid called Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is a psychoactive substance that makes you ‘high’ unlike CBD.

Now if you look at today’s CBD market, you would find varieties of products available ranging from CBD oil, tinctures, and edibles to shampoos, bath bombs, and lip balms. Many customers love to buy CBD gummies. Check for new offers from JustCBD, a US company producing high quality CBD products. The best part is that the whole production is done in USA and distributed all over the world. Get free shipping on orders over $20 within US.

How Effective It Is in Treating Anxiety or Depression?

If you know about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of our body, it would be easy to understand how CBD can impact our health and wellbeing. The ECS is composed of neurotransmitters called endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors. The main function of ECS is to maintain homeostasis and therefore, it is responsible for many bodily functions. These cannabinoid receptors (CB1 & CB2) are spread all over our body.

The cannabinoid receptors react with the Phyto cannabinoids like CBD. Thus, it is possible for CBD to act as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-seizure or anxiolytic. Though there is limited clinical trial to prove that CBD is effective in reducing anxiety or depression, many consumer reports indicate that there is a fair chance of getting effective result with further research.

Though it is unknown whether prolonged use of CBD can treat anxiety, many people reported to have good sleep. Keeping in mind that the effect varies in degree for different person, good sleep can somewhat make you more energized and help you keep calm.

Is It Safe?

You already know that the Federal law regards CBD products with no more than 0.3% THC as legal. Though some state allows cannabis-derived CBD, go for hemp-derived CBD to be safe. In this way, you would not have any psychoactive effect from THC.

CBD also has very few side effects – 

  • Dizziness or drowsiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced appetite

These side effects are mostly tolerable for majority of users. Remember to check for any drug interaction and consult the doctor.